Asha Aboud
carpenters local 322
ABOUT asha:
My name is Asha Aboud and I’m a proud member of Carpenters Local 322. My journey began with the MNDOT pre-apprentice program in 2023. A friend of mine was previously in the program and suggested I check it out. My brother has also been in the trades for years and strongly encouraged me to try it, so I took a leap of faith and applied for the class. I began to fall in love with the idea of working with my hands and building things as opposed to sitting behind a desk.
I love the company I work for. At Frerichs Construction, the people and the foreman I’ve had a chance to get to know and work with have been awesome. They are willing to teach me what I need to know, and more. I’ve made so many connections already and know I will only make more as I get further into my apprenticeship.
Carpentry has been really rewarding for me and I take pride in my role. Not only am I learning things daily that I can apply to my real life, but I’m also being recognized for my hard work (before carpentry I never felt appreciated for the work I did.) For anyone thinking about becoming a carpenter or working in the trades, I suggest you take the same leap of faith I did and try it out. It can be so rewarding, especially for women. We need more women in the trades. You might even fall in love with it as I have.
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