Executive Circle

AGC of Minnesota has partnered with management consulting firm Wipfli, LLP to create a unique construction oriented executive leaders’ development program. Executive Circle serves executive owners, taking them offline and away from working in their business, and redirecting their focus to working on their business.

Six intense modules, delivered over six months, explore various aspects of transformational leadership including Leadership, Vision, People, Communication, Operations, and Technology. Tina Nazier, Wipfli’s National Construction and Real Estate Organizational Performance Strategy Leader, guides participants through a highly interactive and participatory exchange. “Circlers” build trust relationships among peers, gain strategic knowledge, and hone their skills by working together to apply strategies and tactics to help drive transformational change into their business. Cross-discipline (building/highway) learning and project partner (general and specialty contractors) perspectives are shared and discussed from a partnering perspective as viewed through the project owner lens.

The ideal Executive Circle candidate is an executive owner or top management decision maker within the business. The program adheres to the AGC of Minnesota Antitrust Policy.

“It was a wonderful opportunity to participate in the AGC Executive Circle.  The program was an enriching experience for me both personally and professionally.  It provided a high-quality peer group and an environment for executive level education that was second to none.  The curriculum pushed me to reflect on both my personal and professional development, while providing resources and tools to deploy that could immediately have a positive impact on the business and our teams.  I left the program with a great network of people to collaborate with;  a solid understanding of the type of leader I am and want to be;  and a roadmap to grow to an even stronger leader in the future."

– Holly Ward, Chief Financial Officer, M.G. McGrath, Inc.

The 2022-2023 Executive Circle Cohort

2024 Series Outline and Schedule

“The Executive Circle was a great way to pause and think bigger about our organization and the path we’re on, and to hear fresh ideas of how others are navigating our industry.  At the conclusion of the Executive Circle, I am more equipped to handle new challenges from a variety of perspectives.”

– Joel Swanson, Vice President, Swanson & Youngdale

About Tina Nazier

As the leader of Wipfli’s Construction and Real Estate Performance and Strategy team, Tina Nazier focuses her talent in helping clients effectively address their strategic, cultural, people, and operational challenges.  Drawing on more than 25 years of experience in strategy, leadership, professional coaching, organizational and cultural development, succession planning, change management and performance improvement, Tina helps leaders and organizations overcome the major issues that create roadblocks to reaching their full potential.

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